Job Club Update
Our Job Club finally resumed to in-person sessions n October and we are so thrilled to be able to provide vital support for our service users who are currently unemployed and desperately actively looking for work opportunities.
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit last March, we quickly transitioned this service online and have had an amazing dedicated team who have tirelessly supported people and helped them to find work during a very difficult time and we really want to honour their commitment and resilience to keep going. We are continuing to work closely with Incommunities Housing, Education Development Trust and the Job Centre, trying to meet people’s holistic needs while searching for work. If you know someone who needs support with job search, building a CV, job interview technique and much more, then please contact our Job Club Supervisor Maqsood Khan to refer them to our Job Club session.
The year 2021 was a challenging year for many of our Job Club service users who have struggled with unemployment, facing many barriers created by the pandemic, which has made things very difficult. Our amazing Job Club team led by the Maqsood Khan supported 46 people in total, 20 of whom managed to secure part-time and full-time positions – a huge achievement given the harsh reality of job market out there! We celebrate all who have worked behind the scenes to help service users with goal setting, CV building, job searching, filling out applications and interview techniques.
Here’s a quote from one of our service users who recently got a job:
“I was lucky enough to find the Millside community centre because you guys gave me a hand I and helped me to get out from the hole I was in. Ms. Claire , Ms. Pam and Mr. Maqsood helped me build a CV and guided in deciding what job is best for me and helped me expand my horizons with suggesting me to try out volunteering. I am grateful and happy that I have met all of you!”
Please contact our Job Club Supervisor Maqsood to refer yourself or a client to our job club session.
Email: maqsudkhan@hotmail.com
Mob: 07702 254130